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Hours of Operation

7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

School Day

8:20 AM - 2:30 PM

Half Day

8:30 AM - 11:30 AM


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


2, 3, or 5 Days

Monday - Friday

Sample Daily Schedule

7:00 AM

Opening (for children needing extended care)

7:30 AM

Morning tasks (flower arranging, etc)

7:45 AM

Teatime and cleanup

8:00 AM

Story and work time

8:30 AM


Calendar, Music, Presentation of Montessori Materials

9:00 AM

Individual Work time

Defined as independent time for children in 5 areas.

Teachers give 1:1 lessons:

(1) Sensorial Discrimination

(2) Language Arts

(3) Mathematics

(4) Practical Living Skills

(5) Cultural Subjects (Zoology, Botany, Geography, Art)

10:30 AM


Snack time, Music

11:00 AM

Yard time

11:20 AM

Story time and Hand washing

11:30 AM


12:00 PM

Nap time or rest time with story

For non-nappers: Work time with emphasis in cultural subjects or language and art.

2:20 PM

Story time // Dismissal for School Day students not enrolled in extended care.

2:45 PM

Yard time

3:20 PM

Hand washing and Circle

3:30 PM

Special Project or Walk

4:30 PM

Teatime with snack

5:00 PM

Individual time

6:00 PM


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